Saturday, October 11, 2008

Expiration Date.

These last couple of weeks have been a weird series of revelations for me. Maybe not so much as life altering but more in a realisation of what my life is being sculpted into by my own doing. People are talking, Souls are paining on what is taking place all around us in this crazy time of "crisis". But really what i have notice and I hope more people(minds with intellect)notice this, you can't stop what has been happening for thousands of years. And that is routine. Life will continue besides what the stock broker says while clutching for the worst to come. I walk the streets and i feel the tension, But what i see is business as usual. I will continue to sell / trade / press records. Tour with a band that makes no income and support independent music and artist like i have been. This meltdown will have no repercussions on what i don't have. I was born with nothing and i will live the same. They can't take what i do have.

Fuck the world order.

ps. Thanks Sinks for the awesome bio shots. I have truely sunk to a new low.

Metropolitan Playlist Vol. 1:
RjD2 "Deadringer" Lp
Blockhead "Downtown Science" Lp
Soul Position "Things Go Better With RJ and AL" Lp
Radiohead "Kid A" Lp
Off Minor "Innominate" Lp
Portishead "Dummy" Lp
The Get Up Kids "Red Letter Day" Lp
City and Colour "Bring Me Your Love" Lp
Mazzy Star "She Hangs Brightly" Lp
The New Amsterdams "At The Foot Of My Rival" Lp


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better my friend. I've felt the same way ever since this whole "crisis" began to become commercialized. I too have no more than what I've had since I started working and having the means to building an income. I won't let this be something else that would possibly deter me from what I know is important to my happiness.

Zombie Jenn said...

my comments were on a messed moderation, but thank you very much!

and that photo looks really good.